Human Focused Design

Product Design With a Focus on Wearables, Experiences & Human Factors

I have a passion for creating engaging and elegant human-centered design solutions.

With a background in industrial design, human factors, and experience design, I design products across consumer products, wearables, and lifestyle trends. I am committed to crafting meaningful solutions that exceed users’ expectations and excel aesthetically.

Select Projects

Inviso, eShades XR Headset

Cubby, Smart Home Delivery System

Apple, Ergonomic Mouse

Revo, Line of Sport Sunglasses

Apple, Multimedia Remote

Tivo, Remote Control & TV, ID and UX Design Strategy Program

Nike, Minuteman Stopwatch

XR Keyboard, Human Factors & Design Study, UC Berkeley

Revo, Snow Goggles

Fable, AR Art Experience, UC Berkeley